
Be the reason someone smiles today.

Monday, August 5, 2013


I woke up so early this morning.  Not sure why but decided to look around
on the internet a while...
I saw the suggestion for using an empty ketchup bottle for making pancakes...
neat idea that I had never thought about although every time I have thrown away
one of those bottles I have thought there must be something they could be used for..
I like this idea....

...since this idea impressed me so much I did a search on other uses for these good bottles...
Reader's Digest suggested this one:
Use it for a turkey baster!
I wonder how many of those we have bought over the years.  Just about as many as the
number of turkeys we have made.  Seems they always have a way of disappearing in the
kitchen drawer...

I saw other suggestions too...
such as letting your kids use them as water guns..
...that came along with the suggestion of using water guns for
guests to add ketchup and mustard to their burgers and hot dogs at
a picnic...where have I been...that's another one I have never thought
of doing...amazing what you learn on the internet isn't it...

I'm thinking there must be a lot of other uses for these squeeze bottles...
one suggested putting your cooking oil in them so it won't drip so much when
you use it...

...wonder how it would work to fill one up with water for rinsing the shampoo
out of your child's hair at bath time?  It would be less traumatic for them than
rinsing with the shower water, or a big cup as you could direct the water away from
their face...of course you would want to be sure that all the ketchup has been washed
out of the bottle!

So there you go, a few ideas...stop tossing out those wonderful ketchup bottles!

I'm off to see if I can take a nap now....

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