Oh how those childhood Christmas memories keep
appearing in my mind....
I believe I remember every Christmas tree we had and each and
every one of the decorations we had on them...
my dad would bring home the tree and say that it had to sit
for about a week and open up before we could put it up...
it went up the Sunday before Christmas most years....
...it's amazing how these things stand out so clear in the mind....
I could go on and on telling you all about them....but I'm sure
you all have beautiful Christmas memories yourself....
We would love to hear about some of them...what ornaments do you
remember most from your childhood tree?
...does anyone remember the large flower shaped, aluminum reflectors
that went behind those big light bulbs years ago? I loved those!
I came across these cute Angels that are made from
cupcake wrappers...they are so fun because you can get so
many wrapper designs and have a huge variety of them....
they would look great anywhere in the house or classroom...
...instructions here...