I just happened to land on this website a couple nights ago while
looking for something else...and I love it...it brought back so many memories
of my childhood...if you grew up in the 50's and 60's you will definitely remember
many of these fantastic toys that we had....
I remember playing with:
Hula Hoop (I remember the day my Mom brought Hula Hoops home for us. Boy were we excited! Even better, ours were much heavier and thicker than the ones the other kids in the
neighborhood had so we thought we were really cool! I can still picture the exact shade
of blue they were.)
Slinky (My brother could make the Slinky walk down a whole stairway! I thought that made him really special!)
Jacks & Ball (This was a precious toy to me because when I would sit on the kitchen floor playing with them my Mom would tell me about playing with them when she was young. Somehow the fact that we both liked to play Jacks made them even more special.)
Lincoln Logs (My brothers had Lincoln Logs. They were one of my favorite toys because I loved to build log cabins out of them. They were easy to build with and so fun.)
Mr. Potato Head (The one of these that we had was different than the one we bought for my daughter years later. Hers was plastic but what we had was made out of something like styrofoam. After pushing the eyes and ears and all into them they would get pretty full of holes. But we loved it anyway.)
Pick-Up Sticks (For me the best part of playing Pick-Up Sticks was when it was my turn to toss them onto the floor to begin the game. It wasn't one of my favorite toys because I would get so frustrated when I couldn't pick up a stick without moving the ones alongside of it!)
Paddle Ball (This one was fun when it was new but it seemed like it didn't last long before the string came off of either the paddle or the ball.)
Tinker Toys (This was another one that belonged to one of my brothers and I had to be nice to him so he would let me play with them. They were fun but I still liked the Lincoln Logs best for building.)
Marbles (Oh how I love the thought of marbles. We had so much fun with them. We would sit on the gravel driveway in front of our home playing with them all day in the hot summer sun. One of my precious memories as a child is one day when my dad called us into another room one by one and handed us a new bag of beautiful, shiny marbles. What a day that was for us!)
Erector Set (Another one that belonged to my brother. I guess he really liked toys that you could build with. This one was fun but sometimes I would have trouble getting what I had made apart so I could build something new!)
Magic Slate (This one was always fun but I think we had only one in the house so we had to wait a long time before we could play with it.)
Krazy Ikes (I liked these because you could build people out of them. Funny looking people but that was part of the fun of playing with them.)
Cracker Jack surprises (No kid from the 50's and 60's wouldn't remember these. Loved them!)
Hopscotch (Fun, fun!)
Jump Rope (I would jump rope for hours. We had cute little jingles that we would say when jumping rope.)
Old Maid Card Game (We had lots of laughs playing this one.)
Paperdolls (Next to my love of coloring books I have to say that paperdolls were my very favorite thing to do as a kid. but I cried more than once when I accidentally cut off that little tab on the clothes!)
Tiddlywinks (Another game that belonged to my brother. It was great for us on rainy days when we had to stay inside the house. I like it because it was simple but challenging.)
Roller Skates & key (I remember these being in our house. I think they belonged to my sister. I remember trying them just once.)
...and of course I remember playing with a red wagon and a Jack-In-The-Box, and we all had Yo-Yos to play with. I was never very good at those because I never really got the hang of how to make the string roll back up again like it was supposed to....
now you know what kind of toys myself and my siblings grew up playing with...
which ones do you remember having? ...have fond memories of? ...wish they still made them so you could buy them and share the fun with your kids or grandchildren...
I really wish I still had these toys...little did we know as a child how much the memories of them would mean to us as an adult...
I know you can still buy some of them like the Pick-Up Sticks and Slinky now but they are made different than the ones we had back then...
I hope you enjoy looking at this link that not only lists the toys but also shows pictures of them to help you remember...